
South Research Sub-Institute for Marine Fisheries (hereinafter referred to as SORESIMF) is sub-institute belongs to the Research Institute for Marine Fisheries (RIMF). Its function is to carry out scientific research, technological transfers, training, international cooperation, advisory services in marine conservation and marine resource development, fishing technology, and seafood processing in coastal provinces from Da Nang to Kien Giang.

South Research Sub-Institute for Marine Fisheries (SORESIMF) has its own legal recognition, seal, and is allowed to have the bank accounts at the State Treasury and the Banks in order to operate in accordance with the law.

The headquarter  is located in Vung Tau City, Ba Ria – Vung Tau Province, Vietnam.

The operation budget of SORESIMF is allocated from the State Budget and other sources of income as designated by law.

English name: South Research Sub-Institute for Marine Fisheries (SORESIMF)


1. Develop and submit to the RIMF:

a) Strategies, plans (in the long-term, every five years, and implementing every year), programs and projects assigned;

b) National standards, national technical regulations, economic and technical norms, processes and procedure, rules and technical guidance’s in the field of fishing technology, conservation and development of marine resources, that fall under the tasks of SORESIMF in accordance with the law.

2. Oriented fundamental research:

a) Research on scientific basic of remote sensing, oceanography and fisheries ecology; research on marine fisheries resources, population dynamics of fisheries and fisheries biology for forecasting and fisheries management;

b) Research on the relationship between marine environmental characteristics and marine fisheries resources, impacts of climate changes on fisheries; solutions for treatment of environmental pollutions, marine environmental management; microorganisms in environment treatment; propose methods and solutions to restore, regenerate marine resources.

c) Research on fisheries socio-economic issues; fishery management models; models for production and fishing at sea; marine biodiversity and conservation.

 3. Integrated application research:

a) Research on marine biotechnology: gene structure, genetics, fishery breeding selection; preserve and develop genetic resources of valuable and rare fishery species;

b) Research on marine aquaculture: seed production and aquaculture technology, feed and nutrition, disease prevention and treatment, breeding and culture of new species, aquaculture environment.

c) Research on fishing technologies appropriate for target species and fishing grounds;

d) Research on extracting bioactive compounds from marine organisms for medicine, pharmacy and functional food.

đ) Improve and standardize fishing gears, materials used in the marine fisheries harvesting, fishing boat mechanic; solutions for fishing boat modernization and sustainable exploitation.

e) Improve the post-harvest and processing technologies.

4. Investigate and assess the fish stock and potential sustainable yield of fisheries resource and marine ecosystems to provide the scientific basis for rational use of marine living resources.

5. Monitoring and warning marine environment and marine living species disease and epidemics

6. Participating in the development of marine spatial planning and management of marine protected areas; developing maps of marine resources.

7. Specialized training for human resource development; international cooperation in marine fisheries sector in accordance with the law

8. Information on science and technology, application the models of information technology and remote sensing in marine fisheries research; building and managing marine fisheries database; building standard museums and specimen rooms in terms of marine resources, biodiversity, fishing equipments, means of exploitation and aquaculture.

9. Participating in fisheries promotion activities, transferring marine fisheries technology to all economic sectors; joint ventures and association with domestic and foreign organizations and individuals to produce and trade aquatic products according to legal provisions.

10. Provide science and technology consultancies and services based on legal regulation.

11. Develop and submit to the RIMF the scheme of working positions, organization management, staffing of civil servants according to the titles, numbering of civil servants according to the titles and employees according to the MARD’s managemental decentralization and in accordance with the provision of the law.

12. Management of finance and assets assigned according to the provisions of law

13. Do other tasks assigned by the Director of RIMF