Duration: 01/01/2021 - 30/06/2023

Contact: Dr. Nguyen Xuan Thi; nxthi@rimf.org.vn



Objectives: - General objective: Obtaining a technological process of oceanic tunas and mackerel preservation by slurry ice combinating with nano-nitrogen gas on fishing boats which has economic efficiency; - Detail objectives: (1) Obtain designable profile of slurry ice combinating with nano-nitrogen gas equipment system including manufactured and installed documents; (2) Building up a technological process of oceanic tunas and mackerel preservation; (3) Building up three (03) models of product preservation on fishing boats (tuna gillnet, oceanic tuna linefishing). Content: 1. Study on technological completion of oceanic tunas and mackerel preservation on fishing boats by slurry ice combinating with nano-nitrogen gas. 2. Building up three (03) models of product preservation on fishing boats (tuna gillnet, oceanic tuna linefishing). 3. Training, technology transfer for fishermen (participants in the project).



